Codes of Conduct
Student Code of Conduct
In order to ensure the safety of everyone involved, by registering for an online class, our students agree to abide by this Code of Conduct. Failure to do so may result in suspension or expulsion from ZoomKidz.
As a ZoomKidz member,
I promise to be respectful of myself and others.
I promise to use appropriate language during my online class sessions.
I promise that the name I display when attending my Zoom classes is my actual first name.
I promise to present myself in a professional and appropriate manner.
I promise to uphold myself to the highest level of integrity.
I promise to respect the time of my instructors and fellow students and try my best to be on time for all my online meetings/classes.
I promise to let the class instructor know if a logistical problem or other issue arises.
I promise to try my best at all times.
Volunteer Code of Conduct
ZoomKidz Volunteer Code of Conduct
In order to ensure the safety of everyone involved, we need our mentors to agree to abide by these rules. Failure to do so will result in expulsion from ZoomKidz.
ZoomKidz’s Mission:
ZoomKidz is an educational program taught by teen mentors to give children opportunities to learn about topics in various academic areas in a fun way during these difficult times.
All volunteers represent ZoomKidz and all actions reflect both the volunteer and the organization as a whole.
Volunteers must work hard for this program and teach in the best way for the children.
Be punctual and reliable.
Carry out the duties listed in the volunteer position description.
Regularly participate in volunteer activities.
Perform any assigned duties in a professional and timely manner.
Be eager to contribute all that you can to the goals of this program.
Promote a respectful community.
Treat all other volunteers and board members with respect.
Be respectful and supportive of everyone’s ideas.
Display respect to all program participants.
Respect program policies and expectations.
Model good behavior in front of children.
Work cooperatively as a team member with employees and other volunteers.
Provide a safe environment for others.
No use of inappropriate language in front of children.