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09: Today's topic on K-2 ZoomKidz

Today's topic was Countries Around The World! All the members talked about their favorite country and where they want to visit in the future. As we moved on to the topic, Hithu and Sai discussed their favorite countries and fun facts about that. The kids learned a lot of new information about the different countries from around the world and shared their thoughts/feelings or any comments about these countries. We learned about Italy, Australia, Mexico, India, Argentina and Kenya. The students had so much fun and were really engaged. India was a really special country since a lot of things in the households as well in their ever day lives originated from India. Then, we played a quiz that revealed where we should vacation in the future. We ended off the meeting by talking about what we learned during this week and learned about a turtle one of us found and hybrid animals around the world.

Here is the presentation we used:

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