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135: Today's Topic on 3-5 ZoomKidz

Today we learned about Biology! We learned about 3 parts of biology: Cells, DNA + RNA, and Ecology. We first asked the kids what the definition of a cell was, and why they are important. After saying some great guesses, we went over the definition of a cell, and that it's the smallest functional unit in an organism. We then went over the 4 out of many of the organelles in a cell: the mitochondria, the nucleus, the golgi body, and the cytoplasm. We then went over what DNA and RNA is, why they are important, and what makes the two different. Finally, we briefly went over Ecology, and went over several definitions, and food chains and food webs. We wrapped up the session by taking a fun quiz about what structure of DNA you are based off of the food you choose.

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