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185: Today's Topic on 3-5 ZoomKidz

Today, we learned about the Renaissance Era! The kids had never heard of the Renaissance period before, so we dove right into the lesson. We first went over what the Renaissance period actually was, and why it was so significant. Then, we went over art by going over the characteristics and different examples of art during this time period. Next, we went over music and its characteristics. We listened to two videos of Renaissance music and asked the kids which one they liked the best. Then, we went over science during the Renaissance period, and what important discoveries were made during this time, such as the clock, eyeglasses, and telescope. Finally, we went over 4 important people during the Renaissance era: Leonardo da Vinci, Galileo Galilei, Michelangelo, and Nicolaus Copernicus. We wrapped up the session by taking a fun quiz to see what painter you are based on your personality.

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